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    Twój osobisty opiekun skontaktuje się z Tobą w ciągu 3 dni roboczych. Z przyjemnością zaprezentujemy Ci nasz system TMS CarLo podczas indywidualnej prezentacji.

    Jeśli masz pytania, skontaktuj się z nami bez wahania!

    Soloplan Kempten

    Legal conditions and data protection

    Please read the following conditions carefully before using this website.
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    This website is the property of and operated by Soloplan GmbH. The content as a whole, which appears on the website or is being displayed ,
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    The use of the website takes place at one’s own risk. Neither Soloplan nor any of its leading staff, managers, representatives or any other party included in the process of creating the website is liable for any immediate or mediate damage, immaterial damage, consequential damage or other damage arisen by using or not being able to use the material provided on the website, including damage arisen by viruses or the falseness or incompleteness of information or the performance of the producs, even if Soloplan was informed that such damage could arise. We point to the fact that limiting liability in case of certain damage is not allowed in certain jurisdictions, thus some of the above mentioned limitations of liability may not apply to you.

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    Data privacy
    The data protection declaration applies, which can be accessed via the following link: Data protection declaration